Merriam Comprehensive Plan 2040

Merriam Comprehensive Plan 2040


City of Merriam


11,178 population (2018)


Merriam Comprehensive Plan 2040

Merriam, Kansas


A two-year planning process that began prior to the COVID pandemic initially included in-person stakeholder meetings and community outreach. Our team successfully pivoted to using a creative online platform, allowing the project to continue gathering robust input while crafting the community's shared vision for to guide future growth and development.

As a first-ring suburb of Kansas City, this community contains very few undeveloped parcels and experiences significant development interest and activity along the I-35 corridor. This highway also creates challenges for creating community cohesiveness. Our team analyzed opportunities to re-imagine the transportation network to consider complete streets, corridor enhancements, and vision zero recommendations for providing safer connectivity while also exploring the significant redevelopment potential for key areas along this central spine. 

Three focus areas were included in the planning process, allowing our team to explore options with the community for redeveloping the existing Downtown area, the Merriam Town Center, and a former corporate headquarters site. Our robust online engagement provided insightful commentary and informed the recommendations outlined in the plan.