Client Recognition

Awards are great, but they’re not really why we work so hard to do what we do.

Our professional organizations regularly recognize our client's projects with awards for design and planning innovation and excellence. While this recognition provides us some nice certificates to hang on the walls (200+ to date), it is not the awards themselves we find the most gratifying.

Every day we strive to make a difference in our communities, creating places that have a positive effect on people and our environment. We dream and develop possibilities for reinvigorating communities and making outdoor spaces beautiful.

Winning an award for this work just gives us a small assurance that we truly did our best and made the most out of the opportunity for the client and the community. That’s what it’s all about.

If we do our job well, it’s our clients who win.


Below are a few recent Client projects that have received awards and recognition:


Ames Downtown Plaza
Merit Award for Design (Unbuilt) - ASLA Central States

Johnston Town Center
Merit Award for Design (Built) - ASLA Central States

Wilder Bluff Park
Merit Award for Design (Built) - ASLA Central States
Merit Award for Design (Built) - ASLA Prairie Gateway Chapter

The Reed at Southbank
Merit Award for Residential/Hospitality - Chicago Building Congress

SERV Entertainment Complex
Capstone Award for Retail - Kansas City Business Journal

24th Street Corridor Beautification
Merit Award for Design (Built) - ASLA Central States

Weigand Marina Expansion at Lewis + Clark Lake
Merit Award for Design (Unbuild) - ASLA Central States

Cirrus & Cascade Towers at Lakeshore East
Honor Award for Design - ASLA Illinois Chapter


ReLeaf Cedar Rapids
Merit Award for Analyis + Planning - ASLA Central States

Broadway Square
Merit Award for Parks, Recreation + Open Space - ASLA Central States

Linden Square
Great Places Award - APA Missouri Chapter

Bondurant Civic Campus Master Plan
Urban Design Award – APA Iowa Chapter

Johnston Town Center
Merit Award for Design (Built) - ASLA Iowa Chapter

Triumph Park
Merit Award for Design (Built) - ASLA Iowa Chapter

The Green at 320
Merit Award - ASLA Illinois Chapter
Office Development of the Year - Chicago Real Estate Awards 2023

Lincoln Common
Finalist - ULI Americas Awards for Excellence


Imagine Downtown KC: 2030 Strategic Plan
Award of Excellence: Downtown Achievement - International Downtown Association
Honor Award for Planning + Analysis - ASLA Central States
Honor Award for Planning + Analysis - ASLA Prairie Gateway Chapter

Cedar Falls Creekside Technology Center Master Plan
Honor Award for Design (Unbuilt) – ASLA Iowa Chapter​

Falls Park: Conceptual Master Plan
National Design Competition Winner - City of Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Award of Excellence for Design (Unbuilt) - ASLA Nebraska/Dakotas Chapter
Merit Award for Design (Unbuilt) - ASLA Central States 
Merit Award for Design (Unbuilt) - ASLA Minnesota Chapter

ReLeaf Cedar Rapids
Merit Award for Planning + Analysis - ASLA Iowa Chapter
Environmental Planning Award – APA Iowa Chapter

Cedar Valley Arboretum and Botanical Gardens Master Plan
Merit Award for Design (Unbuilt) - ASLA Iowa Chapter

University of Iowa: College of Pharmacy
Merit Award for Design (Built) – ASLA Iowa Chapter

CISS Agri-Hood
Merit Award for Design (Unbuilt) – ASLA Iowa Chapter

Ranch Mart Shopping Center Redevelopment
Capstone Award for Shopping Centers - Kansas City Business Journal

Planning Parkville for 2040
Outstanding Plan Award – APA Missouri Chapter


Gardner Destination Downtown 
Merit Award for Design (Unbuilt) - ASLA Prairie Gateway Chapter

Minnesota Vikings Headquarters: Practice Facility and Vikings Lakes Developments
Honor Award for Design (Built) - ASLA Minnesota Chapter 

Shakopee Parks, Trails and Recreation Master Plan
Merit Award for Planning - ASLA Minnesota Chapter 

St. Cloud Riverwalk: Master Plan
Merit Award for Design (Unbuilt) - ASLA Minnesota Chapter 

Promontory: Mixed-Use Redevelopment
Capstone Award for Mixed-Use - Kansas City Business Journal

Kansas City University: Oral Health and Education Center
Merit Award for Design (Unbuilt) - ASLA Prairie Gateway Chapter
Merit Award for Design (Unbuilt) - ASLA Central States 

Mary Jo Wegner Arboretum Master Plan Update
Merit Award for Planning & Analysis - ASLA Nebraska/Dakotas Chapter

Johnson County Medical Examiner Facility
Capstone Award for Public Health - Kansas City Business Journal

Downtown River Greenway: Phase 3
Honor Award for Design (Unbuilt) - ASLA Nebraska/Dakotas Chapter

Lake Kampeska Master Plan
Award of Excellence - ASLA Nebraska/Dakotas Chapter

Continental Towers
Honor Award for Design - ASLA Illinois Chapter

Our Ottumwa 2040 Comprehensive Plan
Daniel Burnham Award for a Comprehensive Plan – APA Iowa Chapter

Porte Apartments
Merit Award for Residential Design - ASLA Illinois Chapter
Multifamily Development of the Year - IL Real Estate Journals in 2021


Triumph Park
Merit Award for Design (Unbuilt) - ASLA Iowa Chapter

City of Bondurant, Regional Commerical Master Plan 
2020 Economic Development Planning Award - Iowa Chapter, American Planning Association 

Merit Award for Residential Design - ASLA Illinois Chapter

150 North Riverside Plaza
Honor Award for Design (Built) - ASLA Illinois Chapter

Fred Richards Park Master Plan 
Honor Award for Design (Unbuilt) - ASLA Minnesota Chapter

Parks Master Plans: Minneapolis North + South Service Areas  
Merit Award for Planning and Urban Design - ASLA Minnesota Chapter 

A New Look at Old Town Lenexa
Merit Award for Planning and Analysis - ASLA Prairie Gateway Chapter

Minnesota Vikings Headquarters: Practice Facility and Vikings Lakes Developments
Honor Award for Design (Built) - ASLA Prairie Gateway Chapter

Cedar Lake Park / Lake Olathe Park 
Merit Award for Design (Built) - ASLA Praire Gateway Chapter

Krause Gateway Center
Honor Award for Design (Built) - ASLA Central States

Kansas State University: Seaton / Regnier Hall 
Honor Award for Design (Built) - ASLA Central States

Kansas City University: West Campus / Paseo Gateway 
Merit Award - ASLA Central States

Beyond the Loop - Integrated Urban Design Plan
Merit Award for Planning and Analysis - ASLA Central States


Krause Gateway Center
Award of Excellence for Design (Built) - ASLA Iowa Chapter

Johnson County Arts + Heritage Center
Developments of Distinction Award - ULI Kansas City

Minnesota Vikings Headquarters: Practice Facility + Vikings Lakes Developments
Award of Excellence - NAIOP Commercial Real Estate

Beyond the Loop: Urban Design Study
Honor Award for Planning + Analysis - ASLA Prairie Gateway Chapter

[Re]stitching Grandview Green: Freeway LID Development
Merit Award for Design (Unbuilt) - ASLA Minnesota Chapter

Arc of Dreams
Honor Award for Design (Built) - ASLA Nebraska Dakotas Chapter

The Fargo Project - World Garden Commons
Merit Award for Design (Built) - ASLA Nebraska Dakotas Chapter

North Dakota Governor's Residence
Merit Award for Design (Unbuilt) - ASLA Nebraska Dakotas Chapter

Kansas City Zoo: Billy Goats Gruff - Exhibit Renovation
Merit Award for Design (Built) - ASLA Prairie Gateway Chapter

150 N Riverside Plaza
Distinguished Building Award - AIA Chicago Chapter
Best New Building – Friends of Downtown Chicago

Gold: New Developments - International Council of Shopping Centers Global Awards for North American Design and Development


Paladino Hohm Sculpture Garden
2018 Innovative Project Award: Sioux Falls Arts Council

Duluth Traverse Trail Master Plan
Merit Award for Planning and Urban Design – ASLA Minnesota Chapter

UP LINK Urban Park
Award of Excellence for Design (Unbuilt) – ASLA Prairie Gateway Chapter
Merit Award for Design (Unbuilt) – ASLA Central States

The Park at Wrigley / Gallagher Way
Merit Award - ASLA Illinois Chapter

Great Places Award - AIA Illinois Chapter

Kansas State University: Seaton /  Regnier Hall 
Honor Award for Design (Built) - ASLA Prairie Gateway Chapter

Lake Olathe + Cedar Lake Park: Master Plan + Schematic Design
Merit Award for Design (Unbuilt) – ASLA Prairie Gateway Chapter

RideKC Regional Transit Plan: Smart Moves 3.0
Merit Award for Planning and Analysis - ASLA Central States

Billy Goats Gruff Yard
Merit Award for Design (Built) – ASLA Central States

Art Garden at Wichita Art Museum
Honor Award for Design (Built) – ASLA Central States


Minneapolis South Service Area Master Plan      
Minneapolis Parks & Recreation Board
Merit Award for Planning and Analysis – ASLA Minnesota Chapter

Burlington Corridor Complete Streets Plan
The City of North Kansas City / Mid-America Regional Council
Merit Award for Planning and Analysis – ASLA Central States Chapter
Honor Award for Planning and Analysis – ASLA Prairie Gateway Chapter

Gray’s Lake Park – Master Plan Update  
Des Moines Parks & Recreation Department
Award for Design (Unbuilt) – ASLA Central States

Walnut Street Corridor Retail Study
The City of Des Moines, Iowa
Merit Award for Communication – ASLA Central States

Arboretum Visitor Center & Sculpture Garden Master Plan
Arts & Recreation Foundation of Overland Park
Merit Award for Design (Unbuilt) – ASLA Prairie Gateway Chapter

Art Garden at Wichita Art Museum
Honor Award for Design (Built) – ASLA Prairie Gateway
2017 Keeper of The Plains Award

KC Downtown Streetcar – The Starter Line
Kansas City Public Works Department / Kansas City Streetcar Authority
Merit Award for Design (Built) – ASLA Prairie Gateway

McCrory Gardens Visitor and Education Center
South Dakota State University
Merit Award for Design (Built) – ASLA Great Plains Chapter

Paladino Hohm Sculpture Garden
Honor Award for Design (Built) – ASLA Great Plains Chapter

Raven Industries Corporate Office & Greenway Improvements
Honor Award for Design (Built) – ASLA Great Plains Chapter


Blue Springs Public Safety + Municipal Court Complex
Captsone Award for Green Design, Kansas City Business Journal

801 Grand Plaza Renovation + Streetscape
Merit Award – Design (Built): ASLA Iowa Chapter

Hillshire Brands Roof Deck
Merit Award – ASLA Illinois Chapter

Kettlestone (Grand Prairie Parkway Corridor) Master Plan + Design Guidelines
Honor Award – Planning & Analysis: ASLA Iowa Chapter

Prudential Plaza Roof Garden
Merit Award – ASLA Illinois Chapter

Kansas State University: Seaton Hall Expansion and Renovation
Merit Award for Design (Unbuilt): ASLA Central States

Story County C2C Comprehensive Plan
Planning Agency Award – APA Iowa Chapter